扫码咨询2024年新航道秋季班 October 29, 2024 雅思作文真题直击 | | 栏目推送说明 每场雅思考试之后,月日雅思第一时间分享本场考试雅思A类大作文的大作范文权威解析。欢迎每周锁定。文示平顶山市某某美容仪器业务部 本期作者:张婷婷 2024年10月26日雅思大作文题目 In today's world, people spend a lot of money on appearance because they want to look younger. Why does this happen? Do you think this is a positive or negative development? 范文及解析 Introduction Driven by two primary factors, the influence of contemporary advertising as well as the association between youthfulness and career success, the pursuit of youthful appearance has become apervasivephenomenon. This essay aims to explore theimplicationsof this trend, arguing that it is ultimatelydetrimentalto individuals. 解析 本次大作文考题形式又是范写mixed,根据任务进行分段,月日雅思主体第一段分析追求年轻的大作外表的两个不同的reasons,第二段分析这一现象带来的文示优缺利弊,整体难度不是范写很大; ❖pervasiveadj.弥漫的,遍布的月日雅思 ❖implicationsn.暗指,暗示;(可能带来的大作)影响 ❖detrimentaladj.有害的,不利的文示 译文参考: 追求年轻外表已经成为一种普遍现象,主要受两个因素的范写影响:一是当代广告的影响,二是月日雅思将年轻与职业成功联系在一起的观念。本文旨在探讨这一趋势的大作影响,认为它最终对个人是文示平顶山市某某美容仪器业务部有害的。 Body paragraph 1 The enormous influence of contemporary advertising is a significantcatalystfor the desire to maintain a youthful appearance. Weareconstantlybombarded byinnumerable TV and magazine ads that persuade us to believe that younger people are more likely to experience romantic love. This messaging can be particularly persuasive for those seekinggenuineaffection, leading them to employ cosmetic procedures or makeup to enhance their youthful appearance. Furthermore, there is a growing belief that a youthful appearance is advantageous in the professionalrealm. Theproliferationof multimedia has led toheightenedstandards for appearance in various job roles. An actress with a youthful appearance, for instance, is more likely to be selected by a director to star in ahigh-profilefilm, which may instantly make her a household name. This association between youthfulness and professional success can drive individuals to seek ways to appear younger, viewing it as a pathway to wealth andprestige. 解析 Reasons: (1) 广告的巨大影响力是渴望保持年轻外表的一个重要诱因; (2) 年轻外表在职业领域是更有利的; ❖catalystn.诱因,诱导者 ❖be bombarded by被…轰炸 ❖genuineadj.真诚的,真心的 ❖realmn.(知识、活动、思想的)领域,范围; ❖proliferationn.(数量的)激增,剧增; ❖heightenedadj.提高的,升高的 ❖high-profileadj.高调的;备受瞩目的;知名度高的 ❖prestigen.声望,威信 译文参考: 当代广告的巨大影响力是渴望保持年轻外表的一个重要催化剂。我们不断地被无数的电视和杂志广告轰炸,这些广告让我们相信年轻人更有可能体验到浪漫的爱情。对于那些寻求真正感情的人来说,这种信息尤其有说服力,导致他们采用整容手术或化妆来增强自己的年轻外表。此外,人们越来越相信年轻外表在职业领域是有利的。多媒体的普及导致了各种工作角色对外表的标准提高。例如,一个外表年轻的女演员更有可能被导演选中出演高知名度的电影,这可能使她一夜成名。这种将年轻与职业成功联系在一起的观念会驱使个人寻求变得更年轻的方法,将其视为通往财富和声望的途径。 Body paragraph 2 Despite the potential benefits of appearing younger, such as improved career opportunities, thisfixationon youth has several negative consequences, among which the mostconspicuousone would be the financial burden associated withcosmeticsurgery, a common method for achieving a younger appearance. This can lead to individualsincurring substantialdebt, as they may borrow funds from financial institutions tofinancethese procedures. Additionally, there are safety concerns associated with cosmetic procedures. For example, the use ofhyaluronic acidinjections to achieve a more youthful appearance can result in facialinfectionsordisfigurementif properpostoperativecare is not taken or ifasepticmeasuresarenotadhered toduring the injection process. 解析 Negative effects: (1) 通过整容手术等方式去实现更年轻的外表会产生相关的财务负担; (2) 整容手术相关的安全问题也不容忽视; ❖fixationn.专注,迷恋; ❖conspicuousadj.显眼的,明显的 ❖cosmeticadj.美容的;整容的; ❖incurringn.招致(遭受) ❖substantialadj.大量的,价值巨大的; ❖financev.提供资金;贷款购买 ❖hyaluronic acidn. 玻尿酸 ❖infectionn.传染病;感染; ❖disfigurementn.缺陷;毁容; ❖postoperativeadj.手术后的 ❖asepticadj.无菌的;防腐性的 ❖be adhered tov.遵循或坚持某种原则、规则 译文参考: 尽管看起来更年轻可能有潜在的好处,比如改善职业机会,但这种对年轻的迷恋有几个负面后果,其中最明显的一个是与整容手术相关的财务负担,这是实现更年轻外表的常见方法。这可能导致个人承担大量债务,因为他们可能从金融机构借款来资助这些程序。此外,与整容手术相关的安全问题也不容忽视。例如,使用玻尿酸注射以实现更年轻的外表,如果术后护理不当的话可能导致面部感染或毁容。 Conclusion In conclusion, the desire to appear younger,fueledby advertising and theperceivedbenefits in career advancement,is deeply ingrained insocietalconsciousness. However, this trend can lead to financial strain and health risks, which are undesirable outcomes. 解析 ❖fuelv.(给……)提供燃料;刺激 ❖perceivedadj.感知到的;感观的 ❖be ingrained in根深蒂固 ❖consciousnessn.思想,意识; 译文参考: 总之,由于广告的影响和在职业晋升中感知到的好处,追求年轻外表的愿望已深深植根于社会意识中。然而,这一趋势可能导致财务压力和健康风险,这些都是不良的结果。
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